Howdy folks- it's Thursday and I'm in Denver- heading up to Evergreen, CO for a House Concert later today. First I gotta go find some guitar strings- I need some new ones.

It's been quite a drive- I have a whole crew along on this tour. But yet I'm still not sure who's gonna carry my guitar and set up the Wall of Sound!!! I mean seriously do I have to have laminates for all of them?? You know.. those cool badges on a string all the dudes wear back stage.. a laminate.
Of course there is Daisy- she's kind of the Road Manager but she may have to be demoted this time. Maybe she can be Front of House Sound Guy- since Art isn't here and lord knows she can probably do just about as good as Dave did! :) Hello... Daaaave!!!! She always loves to sit up front too- so it makes perfect sense!
Okay- laminate for Daisy- FOH! (Front of House Engineer).

Also along on the trip is Dusty- she's the yang to Daisy's ying?!?! The salt to her pepper?? The Magoo to her Marty!!! That's it! Dusty has been around for about a year- usually she stays home alone but this trip was a little too long for a huge bowl of food and three litter boxes! :) Just kidding animal lovers (PITA)!!!
I'm not sure where she'll fit in the crew. So far on her first MoHo journey she has not been particularly happy. She's been hiding a lot in the back- under the Back End Studio- I suppose then, she likes the behind the scenes action. Perhaps she can run the monitors (those little speakers you see on stage that the band listens to)!! Yes-
Laminate for Dusty- Monitor Engineer
The reason Dusty is along on this trip is because Fairchild is along too! She's never been to Colorado before... that coupled with the fact that she was a little freaked out about staying on the farm all alone for two weeks got her a back stage pass at least!!! (more on The Farm later!!!). But a laminate??!?
Hmm- She's probably not gonna carry much gear... so she has management written all over her!!! :) Definitely Road Manager but she may have to wear more than one laminate... like Personal Chef and Masseuse! She's whippin up lunch as I type!!
I know she's gonna totally dig the mountains and she keeps the RV Madison smelling fresh... not to mention she puts a SHINE all her own on everything!
Laminate for Fairchild- Road Manager, Chef, Masseuse, Sweetheart and Shiney Person!
That leaves just one last spot on this crew. She's a relative new comer and this is her first tour. In fact it's her first anything really. I don't know that she's ever even been out of the house. She seems to be pretty peaceful on the journey so far... she sat in the sink the whole way across Iowa and Nebraska... but came up front as we entered Colorado. She probably can't smell the sweet mountain air or feel the cool mountain breeze. In fact she's probably more of a beach girl. :)
JJ is what we call her... because we had Lady Fish, Lady Fish Jr and now, well... Lady Fish Junior Junior! JJ! She can't really do too much on the tour I guess... BUT she can jump out of the water and grab food out of my fingers!!! Seriously!! Okay, not Flipper style or anything. She doesn't really catch any radical air but she does come up out of the water ... like a quarter of an inch... and grab food out of my fingers! Pretty funny. So... what the heck can she do... besides being the opening act.... only one thing of course.... MERCH! (Don't take offense Big Greg... she'll never replace YOU!).
Laminate for JJ- Merch Man (I guess we can call her Big JJ for now).
Okay... off to Sing some Songs!
Rock On and for gosh sakes...
Take 'er Easy!