Well, what a great month that was.. the month of all the holiday fun and family. I spent some time out in Seattle with Fairchild and her family. I've never been to Seattle- great city. It's really beautiful- the mountains, the wet cloudy days and the lush vegetation are captivating.
Weather in the midwest has been particularly lovely lately- nearly 50 every day in January! Wow! But I'm ready for some snow- I've got the snow blade attached to the John Deere- I'm ready to push some snow. At least once. After the first time the novelty will probably fade away quickly. I might get my wish because it's supposed to get cold and snow… TONIGHT. That was some quick manifesting!
Denver and The Dickens |
I haven't told the story yet- but we have a new dog on the Farm. Denver is his name. He's a big white feller- an American Bulldog. He looks just like Maggie-Dog (a dog of mine from the 2000's). Daisy Dickens didn't care much for him at first but I think she's starting to like him a little. Denver absolutely loves Daisy. He gets all excited if he hasn't seen her for a while… it warms my heart.
I've been in the studio all last week and all this week mixing tunes. I love to see the songs come together … it's tedious but I enjoy it.
New HIMEBAUGH music coming ASAP!
Rock On-