Last time I went up to Jimmy John's Camp Jackpine in Wisconsin I was riding in the mini van that was shuttling me north. I was listening to sweet, soothing music on my i-pod and just relaxing my body. The number eleven popped into my mind- it had been coming to me for a year and a half at that point so it was nothing new. For some odd reason I wrote it on the inside of my arm- small- in purple ink. I went to switch tunes on my i-pod and low and behold it was 11:11 on the clock. I smiled. On we drove. When we arrived at Jackpine Leslie, Jimmy's wife escorted us to our cabin. Cabin 11 of course. I smiled.
While I was in Florida this past winter I stayed at a house that had a lovely outdoor pool area (thanks cuz Marcie and Alan)- I glanced up at the clock on the wall that hadn't worked for months. It was stuck permanently with it's hands frozen at…. 11:11 exactly. I smiled.
When I shaved my head last year… it was time to get rid of the long hair. I had noticed a thinning spot on the back of my head. This can't be, said I. But yes, it was true. The hair on the back of my head was thinning not just in one place but two!! Of course by now you know right??? The two thin spots are side by side… in the shape of… a dad …gum... ELEVEN.
It happens ALL the time and it makes me smile every time!
I looked it up. You can do this thing called 'your life path number'. Using your birthday- mine is February 4, 1967. February is the second month= 2. The fourth is, obviously, the 4th day= 4. With the year you add all the numbers 1+9+6+7= 23. Reduce that number by adding the digits [2+3=5]. So I get 2, 4 and 5. Add them up. How did I know it would add up to Eleven. I smiled.
I shall listen to this message!!!!
I know it's a pretty good message for me- to keep things positive. Put worries out of my mind and think of what I want to manifest in my life. And to maintain integrity throughout. POSITIVE.. think positive! It does a body good!
I like 11. I just might tatoo it to my arm someday! Maybe if I display 11 on my arm I won't have to display it on my HEAD!!! :)
And of course- let us not forget Nigel Tufnel! "This one goes to 11!"
Rock On and take 'er easy!