I've received a bunch of emails lately from friends and listeners about www.HelloDave.com. It appears that the web site has disappeared. Yes, it has. It has been deliberately taken down. Due to some unfortunate issues we've lost our domain. The band has been going through management changes and it's been a long, challenging process. We are uncertain if the band will ever get HelloDave.com back so I went out and got HelloDaveBand.com from the kind folks at GoDaddy! Now I'm looking for some help… some webbies!!! Is that what you call them? Somebody who might be interested in helping me out with our NEW page!
Contact us at HelloDave2@gmail.com if you or anybody you know can help us out.
In the mean time come find us on www.FaceBook.com/HelloDave2 and like us. I'll send out updates through there- or if you'd like- send your e mail address to HelloDave2@gmail.com and I'll add you to a new mailing list!
This whole deal is kind of a bummer but I'm still happy… unreasonably happy!! :)
Rock On and a new web page!!!