Thursday, December 1, 2011

Good day and Good Morning Sunshine!
Good Morning Sunshine is a song I wrote last year.  It was a chilly, spring morning.  I’d had the idea for the song, the whole chorus even for a long time but I could never get it to come all the way out.  Kind of like birth... I could see the head for a long time but I just couldn’t push it out.  Okay, maybe it’s nothing like birth maybe it’s more like drawing a picture when you’re a wee one.  Back in the days when NOTHING really mattered except food and sleep.  When we were innocent young children and every single thing we encountered was incredible.  I remember I loved to draw.  But usually I had no idea what I was gonna draw until I let the pencil or crayons start moving across the page.  That’s kind of what writing a song is like now.  Except sometimes when I’m half way done with the ‘drawing’ I hit a wall.  Maybe it’s because when I realize what I’m ‘drawing’ I start thinking about it too much.  Hmmm, interesting.  
Anyway, on this fine morning last spring I was letting my mind wander.  I was laying on the floor in front of a big glass door and the sun was pouring in over me.  I was trying to clear my head of all the junk that’s usually there- ‘what should I have for breakfast?  Maybe I should go for a run, I really gotta pay my credit card bill, where’s my phone... did I get any texts? Daisy... do you have to go outside.. etc etc etc.
It takes a long time to stop the nonsense but on this morning I finally did it for the first time.  I was able to find a really peaceful, calmness that kind of washed over me.  I’d never been so relaxed in my life.  Then, without a thought, I got up.  I picked up my guitar and started playing the parts of Good Morning Sunshine I had already and kept going.  I wrote a verse.  I wrote the second verse.  I sang the chorus again and altered it a little.  And then.... I was done.  It only took a couple of minutes to finish.  I sat and smiled.  A HUGE smile and then I thanked everybody!  :)
At that point, I think maybe it is a little like giving birth- a LITTLE.  The feeling I get when I finish a song -that I like- is like none other.  Pride, love, gratitude, eagerness to play it again... and a lot of joy.
Since then I’ve been all about the sunshine.  Sunshine!  What’s better than a little sunshine?
I’ll try to explain what I mean by the Sunshine in my next episode.. blogisode... whatevs.

I guess I should let you check out the song if you want to- there is a version of it on YouTube- from the Back End Studio (for you newbies- the BES is the studio in the back of Madison The RV that I cruise around in).  It's just me and the guitar!

Rock On and Take ‘er Easy-