Sometimes I forget how great the summer festivals in Chicago are. We played the Sheffield Garden Walk on Sunday and had such a great time.

The weather in Chicago had been pretty horrible the past couple of days... including 8 inches... count 'em EIGHT inches of rain on Friday night. The city was flooded for hours. Sunday morning had an ominous look to it. The clouds were heavy and flickering with lightening in every direction. As the day approached noon it still looked like it could start raining at any time but by 2 in the afternoon the clouds parted and a glorious sunshine dried up all the wetness. The temperature rose into the 90's but it didn't matter.

We were all, band and crowd, ready to sweat a little if we had too. The crowd really started flowing into the event about 30 minutes before we went on... and you could tell it was gonna be one of THOSE days! And by that I mean- exceptional. Some of us stayed cool in the MoHo while Peter's daughter Ella danced to the rhythm's of Canasta- the band before us- such a cutey.
Sound checks and weather issues pushed the schedule back a little but we made it on stage at about 4pm or so and got right to it. Marty and Magoo rocked a nice intro and then we jumped right straight into Golden. Nothing like getting everybody moving right off the bat. My Mom and Drayton (step-Dad) were in the crowd so I hesitated when the time came to yell out... B#*T@H in Biminy... but I watched my Mom yell it out at the top of her lungs! Too funny!!!
Beach balls were bouncing along in the crowd. Smiles were EVERYWHERE and eyes were shining! My one year old niece and nephew (Leona and Byron) came to their first rock concert with ear muffs of course!

As we were coming down to the end of the show I looked at Magoo and gave him the international sign for.... "COME ON DUDE.... Let's get on the SPEAKERS"! On either side of the stage were a stack of speakers- he jumped on one side and I on the other! It was pretty awesome! I didn't realize until later that his speakers were about two feet further from the stage than mine- I had one big step to mount the speakers on my side...Magoo nearly had to leap! But he rocked pretty hard out there... and probably sweat on a few people too! Dr. Everything (Kurt) guided him safely back to the stage after the ROCK!
Marty's amp was right next to me during the show and I have never heard his guitar and playing sound so SOOO good! Man... I am so lucky to be able to rock with such great dudes. Petah was looking good and feeling good and Mr. Longbons was laying down some serious low end! Michelle Hallman joined us too- she sings like an angel and plays the congas.
Everybody at the Fest are extremely nice to us.. we've played the Garden Walk 8 times! That's quite an honor!
I have to thank Vicki for all the great photos too... and she got to help with the set list!!
Take 'er easy now!