And a new blog begins. Through out my Hello Dave years I've written thousands of pages of Blogs- somehow... during one of our web site changes they ALL GOT LOST. That kind of stinks. I wrote about everything for a long time.. stuff I certainly don't remember any more- but the best things I do remember and always will.

I've played in peoples back yards, in their living rooms, by the pool etc. etc...! I'll keep doing them for a while. BUT- I still like a good club show too. Last week I opened for Little Feat in Lincolnshire, IL at a joint called Viper Alley. It's a new place- great sound and great feel!
During my travels I've also been writing and recording a whole mess of new songs. I recorded in Salt Lake City, Grand Rapids, MI and Des Moines, IA. I'm not sure where the next batch will take place but I'll keep my eyes open for more studios to stop in and record a tune! Of course, I've done a lot of recording in the back of the RV Madison- the "Back End Studio" too!

Very soon I'll start releasing these songs on HIMEBAUGH ep's. They'll each have 4 tunes on them and maybe some video or something.
This week I'm doing a House Concert in the Naperville, IL area. A family is having a big party and I'm invited- Paul Bolger from Mr. Blotto is joining me on the show! That makes for a LOT of fun. The coolest part about this one though- they are sending a Limo into the city to pick me up!! And... of course, take me home after the show! Cool beans!
Friday night I'm off to Fontana, WI (Lake Geneva) for a show at Chuck's. I wrote a song about Chuck's (get it here iTunes) - It's a fun song to do up there! Then on Sunday it's the Sheffield Garden Walk !!!! One of Chicago's very best Summer Festivals! Great bands, great food and great people watching!
Alrighty- take 'er easy then-
Himebaugh OUT