So a month ago I got an e mail from the people who put on the Mountain Stage music show on NPR- great show by the way. It was about a song contest they have. A bunch of my 'folky' friends/song writers enter these contests so I figured I should go ahead and send in a song or two. This is the first time I've done it but I think I'm gonna enter some more this year! It's kind of fun! I sent in a song called Woman (which is on the HD cd-
Chicago Twang) and a new un-released song called Sweetwater Town that I wrote with a buddy named Rex Strother. Then I waited patiently... actually I kind of forgot until....
I got a call from a pal Mary McAdams- I worked on her self titled cd a tad back in 2009-

Mary shrieked... screamed... carried on.. I didn't know what the heck was going on. She had already seen the list of regional finalists and we're BOTH on it! HA- We're in the MidWest Region and the judges will start ... judging I guess. Along with the internal judges there is also a popular vote- the 'people's choice' winner along with all of the Region Winners will go to New York in October and sing a few songs. One of the 8 or so artists will then be crowned the 2011 Winner of the Mountain Stage NewSong Contest!
The winner plays on the Mountain Stage show and does some recording with an awesome producer, Jacquire King! It's kind of neat! When I got all kinds of congrats calls and e mails I realized it's a real honor! So... I'm grinning!
And I guess- if you have the gumption, you can go over to the page and vote for me... or Mary! :) Or any of the other group of artists from all over the country and world!
Here's the link to the
Mid West Region Finalists! You can find Mary and I there... along with another aquaintance- Ellis Delaney from Minneapolis- she's awesome too!

So then... tonight- Tuesday I'm off to carouse with the Literary folks. A wonderful friend,
Laura Caldwell is releasing her new book (her TWELTH if I'm not mistaken). It's called Claim of Innocence and is part of her Izzy McNeil series!
A few years back she called and asked if I'd mind if she included Hello Dave in one of her novels... Heck Fire Yes.. said I!
So if you read The Night I Got Lucky you'll find yourself at the Park West rocking out with HD!! Yup- we're kind of a big deal. HA!
Thanks for the invite tonight Laura! Fairchild and I will be there with bells on.. well, maybe not bells. Our cat- Dusty has a bell on her collar and it can get pretty annoying when she scratches at 5 in the morning to get my attention so that she can have her breakfast promptly at 5:30am like any self respecting feline. Whoa... I think I got off point there....
Now this week finds me cruising in the MoHo to South Haven, MI on Friday night! I'll be playing a show at the
Black River Tavern! It'll be a a great evening with old friends and new ones! I've never been there before- it's a new joint owned by an old college friend.
HD has a private show on Saturday in CHI- and from what I hear it's gonna be a humdinger! Yes... a humdinger. I don't think that word is used enough. That and the word BEHOLD... I think that word needs to be used more. Like.... "BEHOLD- Magoo plays the guitar, Petah plays the drums! Longbons... BASS! and Marty Williamson plays guitar!! BEHOLD - young Dr E does Everything!"
Yeah, I like that.
Oh and thanks Mary and David for a great time over the weekend- I was able to keep the 'surprise' secret this week! Happy Birthday again David!
Take 'er easy now-