Tuesday, August 30, 2011

CUBS, Badges and Glow Sticks! and Jersey Shore???

Good Day!  Good day indeed!

My almost daily posts lost a few days there... didn't they?!?  That happens when you have a weekend like this past weekend.  The weekend started in a relaxing fashion on Thursday.  I went to the Friendly Confines (aka Wrigley Field) with some pals.  We had really great seats right on the Cubs dugout.  Kris, my sister,  and I were intent on watching the game-
However, our companions... well... they were just in it for the good times apparently!  My soundman Art Harrison and Business Manager Bryan Robson made quite a spectacle out of themselves.  But I think they had a good time!!  Magoo was out in the bleachers spying on us the whole time with his binoculars.  He could see the nacho cheese all over Art's pants... at least that's what Magoo said.  I never saw nachos and I'm pretty good at seeing them!  :)

Friday afternoon I recorded a quick video for this songwriting contest dealio- it's the Mountain Stage NewSong Contest and I'm a "Regional Finalist"!  Go HERE to check it out!  I put up a new song called Good Morning Sunshine!

Friday night found me in South Haven, MI.  I played a joint called the Black River Tavern.  We.. and I do mean we because by the end of the night I think everyone in the Tavern were friends.. had a great time.  I sang a bunch of tunes and filled every request I could!  A guy I know from my days at Eastern Illinois University owns the joint now and he had a gift waiting for me!  I've already arrested 7 people for doing stupid things!  Thanks Scott!

Saturday night was... in a friends words... EPIC.  We played a cool area in Chicago- it's hard to explain but this 'dude' puts on Loft Parties.  Not just a party though- I'm talking PARTY.  There were lasers and Go Go dancers, painted ladies and glow sticks, and some dude named... something or other from Jersey Shore was the DJ.  It was EPIC by all means.  We played to kick off the party out in the courtyard and it was absolutely beautiful.  Oh, by the way, I should tell you that our friend Jimmy John and his wife Leslie were the ones who put on the party via the 'dude'.

 And yes, that's a flute player in the picture.  Another dude, this one named Diego, approached me before the show and said- "Hey man, I heard there was a band so I brought my flute".  Seriously, that's what he said.  So we invited him up for a few tunes and he wailed on the flute.  It was pretty cool!  When we finished people started heading up stairs to the loft.  It was pretty wild I have to admit!  I met a few really interesting people and hung out with some folks that normally I don't get to spend much time with.  Thanks Jimmy and Leslie for another great evening with you and your people!!!

Sunday... I slept!

Rock On- and take 'er easy!