Well, he's baaaaack! Big Greg has been out of action for about ... 3 months or so. He had a crazy thing happen in the spring. An intruder walked right into his house and started checking out all the rooms. Greg, knowing that his wife, lovely Rita, was in the house went after him. After a bit of a skirmish Big G and the intruder went down right on Greg's arm. Ouch ouch ouch is all I can say after hearing Greg tell the story. His arm was kinda hanging the wrong way. Perhaps we can get Greg to do a full re-enactment on stage sometime soon. He played the hero but his arm paid the price. He had surgery and rehab... now he is somewhat of a bionic man I'm thinking.. with rods and screws and such buried beneath a real Frankenstein scar on his arm.

So last weekend, at the Northside Summerfest it was Big G's first day back to work! He was ecstatic- smiles and hugs for every one. It was nice to see his mug off to the side of the stage entertaining HIS fans! :)
I think he has signed more cds and t-shirts than the band. He's a legend of the merch tabel! A Merchmaniac!!
Love ya Big G!
The Summerfest was a great time- a perfect summer day in Chicago. Jack Straw played before us- Mr. Blotto played after us and the Freddy Jones Band rounded out a great show.
When Fairchild and I climbed on the scooter Spitfire to head back to The Estate (that's what we call our little apartment in Lincoln Park) FJB was still on stage and Magoo was a dancing machine! Dancin dancin dancin MACHIIIIINE!
Rock on party people..