Good day! Great day really... it was weird out there this morning. I live in Chicago's Lincoln Park neighborhood and usually in the morning when I'm taking Daisy for a walk I don't get many 'good mornings' and almost never do I get a smile. This morning, however, every where I looked I caught a smile and a nod and maybe even some nice words. Something is in the air today. Smile at somebody it'll make their day. It did mine and it's still only 8am!

On Saturday Magoo and I got up real early and headed north with our very own driver- (Justin you ROCK). Our destination was Camp Jackpine and a party with our great friend Jimmy John, his family and some friends. We got up there early in the afternoon so we had a little time to hang out and relax with everybody. Jimmy, his wife, Leslie and the whole gang are the real deal- honest, thoughtful, generous, polite and fun with a wicked sense of humor! The day was gorgeous and warm- the lake was calm- a bunch of the kids were out wake boarding while us old farts sat around and shot the .... At one point Jimmy was texting HIS very own driver... a guy named Kevin Harvick (the #29 Jimmy Johns car in the NASCAR Sprint Cup Series).. and told him he'd buy him a Ferrari if he won Sunday's race in Indianapolis. He's had three wins so far this season. However, he didn't win yesterday. He placed 11th unfortunately.
Dinner was served- even though Jimmy has a chef up there he's still spends most of his time in the kitchen making sure it's all perfect... and it was. Prime rib, asparagus, garlic mashed potatoes paired with some fabulous wines. The kicker though was dessert (is that how you spell it?? or did I just spell the dry arid place..?..?). Shortcake with strawberries and blueberries with big dollop of home made whip cream of course! WOW. WOW. WOW.

Magoo and I set up in the Lodge's Great Room after dinner and started playing some tunes. Kids and adults were dancing and singing along even the puppy black lab- Cooper was dancing.. and Magoo and I had a great time. We took a break to watch an awesome Fire Works display over the lake- GORGEOUS! We started up again until we were all exhausted from a great day and night. Magoo, as requested, was paid in small, unmarked bills in a pink brief case!
Five AM came quick... real quick. After searching the entire property for Magoo's glasses, sun glasses and shoes... :) ... we were off to Chicago and the Taste of Lincoln. Thanks to Justin, Magoo and I arrived rested and ready!
Taste of Lincoln Ave
It was another hot one in the city- literally AND figuratively. Hello Dave took the stage at 3:30 pm. And we played a rousing 90 minute set busting out old school Golden and new school Chicago Twang! Magoo and Marty were, as per usual on fire. Longbons and Petah kept the beat and bass hitting hard- I even saw Longbons jumping up and down a bit! Michelle Hallman sat in on percussion and lent her beautiful voice to some glorious harmonies.
Savor the Flavor provided some thirst quenching Lemonades - Thanks!!!
My new pals Ella, Ben and Brix were there and enjoyed the show from the front row!
Thanks Chicago for an awesome Summer Festival!!! Let's do it again in a couple weeks at
The Northside Summer Fest !!
Check out this video from last years visit to Jimmy's place-
Jimmy John and Guitars!
ROCK ON- and take 'er easy!