$50 and a can of Coors!
I was at the beach with Fairchild and Daisy this morning for a walk along beautiful Lake Michigan. The sun had just come up and the waves were lapping at the shore. It reminded me of... (dream sequence music)......
One time.. when my Mom lived in Florida we went to the beach. I was a lil feller.. maybe 13 or so. I was doing my usual snorkeling around and looking at stuff. It was a bit rough as I remember but only a bit. My Mom went in and splashed about for a few minutes and then headed back to her towel. A minute later and she gasped... "oh no, I lost my ring"!! Her diamond ring fell off in the water. In the OCEAN. Eee gads. She was pretty upset about it so I put my snorkel, mask and flippers back on and went 'fishing'! Of course it was a bit useless ... right. BUT NO- about 10 minutes later I saw something shining on the bottom between a couple of rocks right by one of those spiny little ball things.. a sea urchin I believe is what it was called. I reached down and pulled out her diamond ring! She practically cried. When we got home later that day she gave me $50 and a can of Coors! Thanks Mom!

That's my Mom after polishing off some Ice Cream at The Gage last week in Chicago. She and Drayton, my step father, were in town for a nice visit.
Love ya Mom... and Drayton!